Unia, 2021 figures report (Rapport chiffres 2021)




Unia, 2021 figures report (Rapport chiffres 2021)

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

National human rights body


Belgium, Unia (the Belgian equality body)

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population

Ethnic minorities lgbtiq Migrants Muslims

Key findings

Regarding the Muslim community, in 2021, UNIA opened 243 files related to discrimination based on religious convictions, 76,5% of which related to Islam (among those related to Islam, 64% of victims were women). Most of the cases of discrimination due to religious conviction (35%) were related to employment. In the field of education (14% of cases of discrimination due to religious conviction), most cases related to issues regarding dress code (35.3%), in particular wearing the Islamic headscarf.

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

The report is an analysis of all the cases reported to Unia, Belgium's equality body, in 2021.

Sample details and representativeness

In 2021, Unia received 10610 reports of discrimination. This number includes all contact with Unia and its local contact points. These are reports of alleged victims of discrimination, crimes or hate messages, but also testimonies, questions or concerns from third parties or questions from people or organisations who wish to avoid any discrimination in a concrete situation.

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